DURDN 1st Asia Tour Komorebi in Hong Kong


In stock



25 MAY 2024 (SAT)
Open 19:00 | Start 20:00

票價Ticket Price

ADV HKD 480 | DOOR HKD 580


網上 Online:neon-lit.com
*只設電子票 e-ticket only

主辦 Organiser:NEON LIT
協辦Co-Organiser:THIS TOWN NEEDS_

🌃都市鬆弛感日本樂團 #DURDN 來港 感受溫暖青春之夜

於2021開始活躍,DURDN的主唱Baku原為韓國創作歌手,而團員Shinta 和Yacco 亦曾為韓國團體製作歌曲,因此歌曲風格融匯了多種流行樂,在日式慵懶基底下揉合了都市律動味,讓人不自覺跟著節奏與Baku磁性的嗓音搖擺身體,chill感十足。

他們的音樂有一種魔力,如同踏著電單車穿梭繁華鬧市,曬過月光的晚風輕柔在耳邊呢喃,細唱著溫暖入心的夜曲。DURDN從零到現在一步步憑藉獨特的魅力嶄露頭角,在串流平台累積了不少人氣,幾乎每場現場演出都擠滿人潮,上年在Spotify 《RADAR: Early Noise 2023 》更被精選上榜,絕對是近年不可忽視的新生力量。


🎧 Fake Moon
🎧 My Plan
🎧 Drink!
🎧 Vacation
🎧 イカしてる

注意事項 Notice
  1. 每次最多可購買4張門票。
    A maximum of 4 tickets per transaction.
  2. 必需先申請帳戶,方可購票。
    Only registered users of this site can purchase tickets.
  3. 購票成功後,電子門票連結會顯示在頁面下方,或登入以查閱已購入的電子門票。
    After successful ticket purchase, the e-ticket link will be displayed at the bottom of the page or login and download from the account.
  4. 已售出門票恕不接受任何退票、退款。
    Tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
  5. 一人一票、憑票入場,請妥善保存電子門票。
    One person per ticket. Please keep the e-ticket properly.
  6. 電子門票為無記名門票,請勿將票券QR Code任意公開或提供給他人,以防遭人冒領入場。
    Please do not disclose or provide the QR code of the ticket to others, in order to prevent others from being falsely admitted to the venue.
  7. 請遵守場地規定,如有違反,場地職員有權請其離場,有關門票費用、購票手續費恕不退還。
    Please abide by the regulations of the venue. If there is any violation, the venue staff has the right to ask to leave the venue. The  ticket fees will not be refunded.
  8. 活動相關訊息改動,Neon Lit保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。
    Neon Lit reserves the right to change or terminate this event at any time due to changes in event-related information.
  9. 請妥善保管財物,如有損失,Neon Lit概不負責。
    Please take good care of your belongings. Neon Lit is not responsible for any loss.
  10. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。
    Please read the notice carefully before purchasing tickets. Once the ticket is successfully purchased, it is deemed that you agree to all the above-mentioned notice.
  11. 如對活動有任何疑問,歡迎聯絡business@neon-lit.comNeon Lit FacebookNeon Lit Instagram 查詢。
    If you have any questions about the event, please contact business@neon-lit.com, Neon Lit Facebook or Neon Lit Instagram.